Sunday, April 19, 2020

Hilula Yehochoua bin Nun (26 Nissan)

Prière pour être sauvé de la colère et de parler calomnie
Que nous devrons mériter d’apprendre de Yehochou’a, qui ne s’énervait pas, peu importe quoi. Et que nous devrons être sauvé de la colère et de la calomnie, car c’est ce qui connecte au Serpent Originel, et déconnecte une personne du Peuple Juif. Et que nous devrons mériter de s’accrocher seulement à Hashem.
S’il Te plaît Hashem, même quand les espions entrèrent à Yeri’ho dans le but de la capturer et de l’apporter aux mains de la nation d’Yisrael, Yehochou’a ne se mit pas en colère pour quelque raison que ce soit. Et il ne trébucha pas dans aucune colère, et il savait que tout provenait d’Hashem et avec une énorme providence divine.
Et il pria pour l’Am Yisrael, qu’il ne devrait pas trébucher dans la faute des méraglim, dans la faute de calomnie, qui est la plus grande de toutes les transgressions. Seulement à cause de ce péché, nous tombons dans les mains de nos ennemis pendant la guerre.
Et la même chose s’applique, également, dans le royaume spirituel, que quiconque commère et parle lashon hara tombera dans les mains de l’autre côté (le yetzer hara). Nous recommandons chaque matin de dire, « Ne nous entraîne pas à fauter » – c’est de la calomnie.
Par conséquent, Maître de l’Univers, s’il Te plaît rachète-nous des péchés de calomnie et de colère ensemble, par lequel nous ne devrions jamais plus encore transgresser ce terrible interdit – parce que ce péché est égal à toutes les interdictions dans le monde.
Parce qu’ensuite, une personne se déconnecte elle-même du Peuple Juif, et il ne peut plus retourner à lui, car il a été infecté par le Serpent Originel, et il est malade dans tous ses 248 organes et 365 tendons.
Et il n’y a aucun bénéfice pour le calomniateur, ni le Sat-an ni le Serpent prennent aucun plaisir de ce qu’il dit, non plus de son lashon hara.
Par conséquent Hashem, Haqadoch Baroukh Hou, s’il Te plaît sauve-nous de cet horrible et grave péché à jamais, et puissions-nous ne plus jamais trébucher à nouveau.
Et puissions-nous ne jamais être attaché à cet horrible, grave péché du Serpent, et puissions-nous s’accrocher seulement à Toi et ni à autre chose dans le monde.

A prayer that we should be worthy of conquering the Land of Israel , which can only be done through the ‘yud’ from Sara’s name. And also uniting all the tribes in the name of Yehoshua, and merit to be included in Yehoshua who was completely integrated together with the Holy Patriarchs, and that he should be the one to influence all the subsequent generations. Furthermore, that we should have the merit always to see before our eyes the countenance of the teacher whose teachings we are studying and also be connected to the head of the tzaddik.

The fundamental principle of the revealing of Yehoshua ben Nun and regarding the matter of submitting oneself to the True Tzaddik.

    Moshe handed over to his student Yehoshua the ‘yud’ of Sara, which had already waited 402 years to be given over to the head of the tzaddik. (One year until the birth of Yitzchak, 400 years from the birth of Yitzchak until the Exodus and then another year until the sending of the Spies). [Hashem took the ‘yud’ from Sarai so that she would be able to conceive, Genesis 17:15, and then Moshe gave it to Hoshea, Numbers 13:16]. The whole of Creation depends upon the ‘yud’ of Sara, both the Upper and Lower Worlds, the Throne of Glory, and all the Seven Heavens, which is the secret of the “מעולפת ספירים” (precious stones, Song of Songs 5:14).
    The one and only way to conquer the Land of Israel is through the ‘yud’ of Sara, which contains within it all the 10 Types of Melody [see Rabbi Nachman’s Stories, The Seven Beggars], which contain within them all the names of the ten tribes who sold Yosef. A sin so terrible that it can never be atoned for other than through all the souls of all the ten tribes being incorporated into the head of Yehoshua, who they called “ראש קטיעה” (severed head, Sotah 35a).
    Since Yehoshua ben Nun was worthy of receiving the ‘yud’ of Sara he therefore had no need to prostrate himself at the graves of the Patriarchs, which Caleb ben Jephunneh had had to do in order to be saved from the counsel of the other Spies. Yehoshua ben Nun however, had already been integrated in to the Holy Patriarchs through Sara’s ‘yud,’ regarding whom it is said:…place me like a seal on Your heart, like a seal to dedicate Your strength for me, for strong until the death is my love though their zeal for vengeance is hard as the grave, it’s flashes are flashes of fire from the flame of G-d. (Song of Songs 8:6).
       And that is why the name Canaan is made up of the initial letters of “כנור נעים עם נבל” (…the sweet harp with the lyre. Psalms 81:3). It is impossible to conquer the Land of Israel other than through “כנור נעים עם נבל.” Yehoshua had to go and prostrate himself at the site of the Foundation Stone, which is the place where the Cohen Gadol used to remove from himself all materialism; he even used to shed his actual body. All the angels would flee from before him; even the Shechina would run away from him because of his overwhelming holiness, as it is written: Is it by your command that the eagle soars…? His eaglets gulp up blood… (Job 39:27-30). Because Aharon merited through his: …and Aharon remained silent, (Numbers 10:3), to expel from within himself every last vestige of materialism. As per the teachings of the Rabbis: If a person succeeds in purifying himself, even in the slightest amount, they heap huge amounts of holiness onto him from Above.
    Yehoshua ben Nun, through the letter ‘yud’ that was added to his name, became the source which determined all the influences which would descend to this World until the very final generations. He became the source of all the holiness. As we see, we read the Megilas Esther [on the 15th] in all the cities that were surrounded by a wall since the time of Yehoshua ben Nun. Yehoshua ben Nun is the one that raises up all the Worlds to their root. And this is the aspect of: Everything that Hashem has made He made for His own sake, (Proverbs 16:4).
    Which is connected to that which they asked in Parshas Beha’aloscha: Who will give us meat to eat? (Numbers 11:4). The reason they made this request is that the most important thing is to raise up the holy sparks that are to be found in meat, which was forbidden to Adam [and the subsequent generations to eat], and only became permitted to Noach [and his descendants].
    The essential purpose of coming to the Land of Israel is to connect the Lower to the Upper World, which can only be done by Moshe Rabbeinu. He is the only one who can raise up all the holy sparks which are in the meat, since only regarding him is it written: Praiseworthy are you in this World and all is well with you in the World to Come, (Ethics of the Fathers 4:1). Moshe is the only one who knows how to raise everything up from this World to the World to Come, which can only be done through the Land of Israel .
    This is the reason why it is an obligation to live in the Land of Israel , which is the aspect of: Both new and old wisdoms have I stored away for my Beloved, (Song of Songs 7:14). Regarding which King David said: May I dwell in Your tent forever, (Psalms 61:5), which can happen only through learning Torah in depth, which causes this World to connect to the World to Come, which can only happen through the Land of Israel.
    Similarly, the whole matter of the sending of the Spies was to connect this World to the World to Come and also Rachel to Leah. The Spies were the aspect of Leah and the Land of Israel is the aspect of Rachel. This causes to be fulfilled: Moab is my washbasin; upon Edom will I cast my shoe, (Psalms 60:10).
    This is the reason that at the time that one is learning, he should attempt at all times to see before his eyes the countenance of the teacher whose teachings he is studying, (Ketzos HaChoshen, 244:2). This is what the tzaddik from Radosh [The Mordechai, HaRav Mordechai ben Hillel] said about Abba bar Manyumi, that “mere words cannot be transferred to an agent” [to pass along to another agent], (Gittin 66b). Therefore, this is the reason that the Spies failed in their mission. Their entire agency was only a matter of the spoken word, and “mere words cannot be transferred to an agent.”

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