Tuesday, April 20, 2021

3 Iyar Hilula du Saint Reb Shayeles Steiner de Kerestir, bh !

 Envoyer un kvitel gratuit à son Kever

Biographie (en) 

Histoire de miracles grâce au Rebbe à son fidèle Gabbai durant l'holocauste, bh ! 

- Résumé essentiel: Avertissement de Reb Shayale de ce qui passera dans l'Holocauste (qui sera après son départ de ce monde). 

Il a dit à son Gabbai en chef, qui lui était tant fidèle, qu'il verrait le commencement de l'holocauste mais que son petit-fils aura besoin d'aller dedans et que le Rebbe l'accompagnerait. 

Il dit quand l'holocauste commencera, quand les Allemands entreront à Shoushan Pourim, qu'il avait une promesse de Reb Shayele de Kerestir qu'il allait y avoir un effroyable holocauste comme il n'y en jamais eu encore dans le monde, et comment je vais vous accompagner. 

Les Nazis lui ont tirés dessus au Kever du Rebbe et il a vu comment Reb Shayele lui ait venu à lui dans un rêve lui disant 'je te garde'. Il s'étendit là pendant des jours dans neige glacée, saignant... jusqu'à qu'ils y eurent des miracles, et qu'il était pris. Après ça il eut la 'résurrection des morts', et survécut, grâce à D.ieu, bh ! 

Barukh HaTov vehaMetiv! 

Aussi dans le livre en anglais sur Amazon "Reb Shayele (Kerestirer) - The Warmth and Wonder of Kerestir" from Rabbi Yisroel Besser

Chizzuk de Rabbi Yochiahou Yossef Pinto shlita 

Segulah for Parnasa and wealth

Tefilah al Parnassah 


Rav Avitan's clip and summary, please feel free to share.

B'shem Kol Yisrael - בשם כל ישראל 

*Hilula of Rabbi Yeshaaya Steiner of Kerestir zt’l AKA Reb Shayele*

Sunday after sunset to Monday  before the end of the day is a big day to pray for success and particularly for parnassa.  

The 3rd of Iyar is the day of passing (Hillula) of a special Tsadik by the name of Rabbi Yeshaya Mi Kerestir zt’l. 
He lived over 100 years ago and was a big Admour of thousands of people.
Some big Tsadikim such as Rabbi Issachar Dov of Belz, Rabbi Meir MiDvorna and others of his generation testified that Rabbi Yeshaya Mi Kerestir zt’l had a special connection in Shamayim. Anyone with a serious issue related to parnassa, zivug, health concerns… was sent to this Tsadik for guidance and blessings. Whenever he would pray for someone who would come to him with such a concern the prayer would be answered, and supernatural miracles would come about.

What was so special about this Tsadik? 
He respected the brit to perfection and was a very holy man. He had great knowledge in Torah and fear of Hashem, but the reason his prayers were always answered and the reason why he had a direct line to shamayim was mainly because he was a man of chesed and would go out of his way to help anyone in need. He spent his days giving and helping his fellow Jews. He was known to set up a food kitchen in his garden for all those in need. Often, some hundreds and even sometimes thousands of people would benefit from his food kitchen. The Tsadik personally got involved in the cooking and preparation even though he had many assistants who could take over while he would study Torah. His love for every Jew was so great that nothing could take him away from doing such Chesed. Additionally, he made sure to serve those in need personally. This Tsadik devoted his life to caring and doing good for others. For this reason, when Rabbi Yeshaaya Steiner of Kerestir zt’l requested Hashem’s divine assistance, it was ‘an eye for an eye’. The same way he was always giving to those in need, Hashem also ‘gives’ him the answers to his prayers.
This Tsadik’s picture is often seen with an inscription that says ‘Segula against mice’. There is a well-known story involving mice  (the Rav does not get into it). 
When the Tsadik was alive, people would take a picture of him and have it handy as a segula for salvation in all aspects of life.
We gather from all this information that the 3rd of Iyar, day of this Tsadik’s hillula, is a big day.  It is a tremendous time to get Yeshuot from Shamayim (Salvations from heaven) through Rabbi Yeshaaya Steiner of Kerestir zt’l’s great merit.
A Tsadik’s hillula is considered to be like a wedding. A big celebration in Shamayim, honoring the Tsadik’s greatness. Tsadikm can pray for us on this day and it is a big Et Ratson for us. 
We can tap into the greatness of this day by
 *-* lighting a yahrtzeit candle 
 *-* giving tsedaka
 *-* praying by the merit of the tsaddik.
By connecting to such a Big Tsadik who gave his life for am Israel and who is/was granted a special connection to shamayim we are able, through our prayers and the Tsadik’s honor, to have an astounding impact in Shamayim.
Tsadikm came up with a prayer in honor of Rabbi Yeshaya Mi Kerestir zt’l. It is a beautiful prayer and should be said particularly on the day of the Tsadik’s Hilula. It is known to have brought big yeshuot upon many. In the prayer the Tsadik is referred to as the *key to parnasa*.

*Lighting a candle, giving Tsedaka and praying in Rabbi Yeshaya Mi Kerestir zt’l merit can bring down an abundance of blessing. Don’t miss this opportunity.*

*Please see the prayer below*, we apologize for not having the translated version.

Please share the information with as many people as possible so they too can take advantage of this incredible opportunity.

Please excuse any typos and or grammatical errors

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