Sur la pièce autour "קמיע לרפואה לשמירה ולהצחה Qamya Lerefuah leshemirah velehatzlachah"
Au milieu: nom de Eliezer Shlomo "אליעזר שלמה"
"רז''ע יל''א: אליעזר
שלמה: למה''ש"

Hesped from Rav Berland shlia
It is a tremendous שמירה-protection for a person. In fact, one of the survivors of the recent Jersey City shooting had this קמיע on his person which he attributes his miracle to. Some wear it around their neck, while others put it on their keychain keeping it in their pockets.
In this clip you hear Mohorosh directly speaking about his קמיע, calling it a gift from Heaven, among other lofty things:
Regarding a Tzadik giving out קמיעות, see Rebbe Nachman’s story “The Sophisticate & the Simpleton”. Regarding his קמיע, Mohorosh himself said it could be taken into the bathroom no problem, even without a covering.
One of Rav Berland’s students told me that he went to Holland for Shabbos Shira to be with the Rav and at the 3rd meal someone mentioned to the Rav that Mohorosh was not feeling well and Rav Berland stood up and said that Mohorosh is the King David of the generation and now we must say Tikkun HaKlali for him three times. And they did.
Lettre du Mohorosh zatsal à Rav Berland shlita
De ce livre p.171 sur 5 pages "אשר בנחל"
Ce que dit HaRav au sujet du Mohorosh (7 Adar 5781)
HaRav Kook shlita avec HaMohorosh zatsal
_Steal Five Minutes for Hisbodedus_
_Rebbe Nachman’s Tikkun, the Sons of Judah & the Light of Moshiach_
_Consult With God About Everything_
_Noah’s Ark Today & Rebbe Nachman_
_Divine Providence on the Road_
_Simple Faith — Do Not Despair — Begin Anew_
_Recite Daily the Tikkun HaKlali_
_TESHUVA: God’s Endless, Unlimited Compassion_
_Tikkun HaKlali In Uman & Beyond_
_Accustom Yourself to Say: גם זו לטובה_
_Keeping Spiritual Provisions in the Car_
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