Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Lichvod 7 bAdar Hilula Moshe Rabbenu a''h


*לכבוד ז׳ באדר, מיוחד לחברי הקבוצה ״הסנה הבוער״: תיעוד נדיר של הרב אליעזר ברלנד שליט״א באמירת תיקון הכללי על ציון רבי נחמן מברסלב באומן, לפני שהוקמה מצבה ולפני נפילת מסך הברזל.*

*רבiנi של עiלם, זכני ביiם ז' באדר להכלל במדiתיו של משה רבנו עליו השלiם, וברוח קדשi של אדiן הנביאים, שזכה להיiת העניו מכל האדם אשר על פני האדמה, וזכה מיד עם לדתi להכלל באiר-שבעת-הימים, "ותרא אiתi כי טiב הוא" (תר"א גימטריא שכינה במילוי יiדי"ן), בבחינת "וירא אלהים את האiר כי טiב", כי היה כלול מכל האiרiת של כל נשמiת ישראל, כי באשר את נשמתi חצבת מעצמיותך ממש הכiללת כל נשמiת עם סגולתך*

[תפילה לעני פורים עז]

Torat Yochiahou 

Sefer Devarim lu par HaRav Pinto shlita au Kever du Saint Rabbi Chaim Pinto Hagadol zatsal, b'h!

קריאת ספר דברים 


   ואתחנן 13:35

 עקב 30:02

ראה 45:02

שופטים 1:02:35

כי תצא 1:15:39

כי תבוא 1:29:53 

נצבים 1:48:43

וילך 1:54:16

האזינו 1:59:27

מ''ה פסוקים 2:03:35

וזאת הברכה 2:05:53

!חזק! חזק! בנתחזק

Pour envoyer votre nom au Rav Pinto shlita après avoir lu le Sefer Devarim à Shabbos (he)

(English translation)

Shalom HaRav, in the case I cannot succeed to finish the Sefer Devarim on Shabbos, can I finish it during the week?

Know! That the Sefer Devarim is the tikkun of our generation, soo to the person who lives with the Sefer Devarim will see yeshuos all along the week. 

Also the person who hasn't see yet Yeshua,  it is as there is a cloud which blocks the Tefilot and when the cloud blows up, the Yeshuat Hashem draws down to the person. 

The person who each Shabbos reads the Sefer Devarim will see Yeshuos, and has a great Siyata Dismaya (Divine's help). 

At each generation, Hashem sends a Koach, like the Zohar Haqadosh which was found few centuries ago, for around 1,000 years the Zohar was lost. The Sefer Devarim was found back by Yochiahou HaMelech into the caves of the First Temple. 

The Koach of our generation is the reading of the Sefer Devarim, as taught before the final redemption, Moshe Rabbenu will come to teach Torah. 

There are 955 verses which correspond to 955 gates in Heaven. Its Koach is amazing. The 955 pessukim of the Sefer Devarim that Moshe Rabbenu had written between Rosh Chodesh Shvat and the 7th of Adar is the Koach of our generation. 

We have various cancers, however what gives the Koach to live is the Sefer Devarim. It contains the promise of Moshe Rabbenu which protects the one who studies his sefer. 

The Yetzer Hara says in winter Shabbos is short, in summer Shabbos is long, but Shabbos lasts 25 hours, we must find the time either on friday evening or on saturday morning. 

The reading of the Sefer Devarim is obligatory.

As teaches by Rabbi Yaakov Abihssira, which this week is his hilula, the given Mitsvah of  "Periah veBeriah" (to conceive) had generated 600,000 descendants in Egypt. 

Rabbi Yaakov Abihssira teaches that before the coming of Moshiach,  the Mitsvah of  "Periah veBeriah" will concern the diffusion of Torah, to accomplish the Mitsvot, studying Torah. That will be the Mitsvah of "Periah veBeriah". 

With the final redemption a person who brings back another person to Hashem will have accomplished this Mitsvah, so too for the Sefer Devarim,  Shabbos, Tefilin.

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